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Aesthetic Dentistry (Restorative Treatment)

Aesthetic Dentistry (Restorative Treatment)

What does Aesthetic Dentistry / Restorative Treatment Do?

Prevention of Tooth Decay
Regular brushing of teeth helps prevent dental plaque formation that causes caries. Along with regular brushing, the use of dental floss or interface brushes also prevents the occurrence of     interdental caries.

Dental caries can be detected early in the routine oral examination. Interdental caries, on the other hand, can be easily detected by the dental x-ray film. The lost tooth tissue does not regenerate, but its progress can be stopped with treatment. In addition, lost tissue is restored with filling materials. Early treatment of tooth decay is both easier and cheaper than treating advanced caries. After the decayed tooth tissue is cleaned, the tooth is restored with aesthetic composite materials, which are not noticed thanks to various color options.

The whitening process is applied to the teeth of individuals whose tooth color is dark from birth or has turned yellow for various reasons. In order for the whitening agent to be applied, there should be no obstacle such as decay, gum recession and sensitivity. In home type bleaching methods, a special plate is prepared for the mouth according to the oral measurement. The patient applies the special whitening gel provided by the dentist at certain intervals. In office (clinical) type whitening methods; after the gums are isolated and protected in the clinic environment, the special whitening gel applied to the teeth is activated by a light device. At the end of the whitening applications, the color of the teeth changes between 2-4 tones.

Gaps Between Teeth (Diastema)
It is possible to correct the gaps between the teeth and the size differences in small or conical shaped teeth with aesthetic composite restorations. Such treatments are practical, conservative and low cost.

Adherence of Chipped Tooth
Especially in the front teeth, corner fractures can be corrected without any change in shape and form if the broken part is not missing. If the broken part is missing, aesthetic restorations can be made by applying special composite materials and the result can be obtained as if there is no fracture.