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Medipol At Your Home

Your health is committed to us at home. We are at your home with the health service, we support our elderly and citizens who are in need of care. You can call us at +90 549 794 13 45 for information and appointments.

Health Care At Home with Medipol's Assurance

We provide medical home service for your needs with our specialist physicians and experienced health personnel. Fill the application form so our team could contact you. Medipol At Home health service is not for emergency situations. Immediately call 112 emergency ambulance services in case of life-threatening medical conditions.

Please fill out the form below to apply.

To bed-dependent patients who cannot go to health institutions due to their illness, to those who have problems in transportation due to their disability and to elderly individuals; We provide services for examination, treatment, medical care and rehabilitation processes with our specialist doctors and experienced health personnel.

Which patients are eligible?

  • Bedridden patients
  • Those with respiratory system problems such as COPD
  • Those who need palliative care
  • Those with advanced muscle disease
  • Those with neurological diseases
  • Disabled individuals
  • Elderly individuals

Nursing At Home

Our home health nurses; determines patient needs, care needs, plans and implements all nursing interventions.

Psychological Counseling at Home

Psychological counseling service is provided by our psychologists, if our doctor deems it appropriate, to the patient or the patient's caregiver at where they are.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation at Home

Physiotherapy is carried out by our physical therapy specialist for disabled, bedridden or paralyzed patients with portable physical therapy devices.

How to Apply?

Patient or family members; You can apply by calling our call center at 444 70 44 or by filling the Medipol healthcare form at After the application, an appointment is created by calling the patient or relatives.


  • "Medipol At Home" healthcare service is provided by the appointment system.
  • Emergencies in patients receiving home healthcare services are not covered by home healthcare services.
  • It is recommended that the home care patient who needs urgent health service should contact the emergency services of your country or directly to the emergency services of health institutions.