بحث الموقع

محاضر دكتور / دكتور عضو هيثة تدريس Mustafa TEMİZ

باغجيلار مستشفى ميديبول ميجا الجامعي
مكان الميلاد


اللغات الأجنبية

اللغة الإنجليزية

إرسال البريد الإلكتروني
2009 - 2011Özel Muayenehane
2016Atatürk Üniversitesi, Ağız Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi
2008Ankara Üniversitesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi
1. Evaluation of blood titanium levels and total bone contact area of dental implants
M Temiz, E Dayi, N Saruhan
BioMed research international 2018 (1), 4121639
2. Determining the margin of safety for damaging the sphenoid sinus with nasal septum osteotome during Le Fort I surgery in young adults
N Saruhan, M Ataol, M Temiz
BioMed Research International 2018 (1), 7465797
3. Evaluation of knowledge levels of senior dental students and dentists on maxillofacial trauma assessment
N Saruhan, G Gürbüz-Urvasızoğlu, M Ataol, M Temiz
Med J SDU 25 (4), 450-5
4. Surgical protocol for a safe lateral nasal wall osteotomy
M Suzen, M Temiz, O Demirel, S Uckan
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 31 (3), 853-855
5. Nasopharynx evaluation in children of unilateral cleft palate patients and normal with cone beam computed tomography
M Temiz, SB Duman, AZ Abdelkarim, IS Bayrakdar, AZ Syed, G Eser, ...
Science progress 106 (1), 00368504231157146
6. Morphometric and morphological evaluation of mastoid emissary canal using cone-beam computed tomography
M Temiz, DC Ozen, SB Duman, IS Bayrakdar, O Kazan, R Jagtap, O Altun, ...
Science progress 106 (2), 00368504231178382
7.Safe limits of lateral nasal wall osteotomy at le fort I surgery
M Suzen, M Temiz, K Cesur, S Uckan
ORL 85 (2), 97-103