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Отделение Неврологии Клинической Больницы Университета Medipol занимается исследованием и применением нехирургических методов лечения заболеваний головного мозга, ствола головного мозга, спинного мозга, периферической нервной системы и мышц.

Сфера лечебно-диагностической деятельности Неврологического Отделения также включает двигательные расстройства, эпилепсию, заболевания сосудов головного мозга, расстройства сна, умственно-психическую дезорганизацию. 

Благодаря использованию передовой лабораторной диагностики (ЭЭГ, ЭМГ, лаборатория исследований сна, лаборатория аудиологического исследования, лаборатория исследования нарушений равновесия), высокотехнологичного медицинского оборудования, высокой квалификации врачей, Неврологическое Отделение Университетской Больницы Мedipol предоставляет возможность эффективного лечения.

Areas of Services

  • General Neurological Disorders Clinic
  • Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Clinic
  • Forgetfulness and Behavioral Disorders Clinic
  • Neuromuscular Diseases Clinic
  • Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab and Rehabilitation unit
  • Clinical Electrophysiology Lab


  • In Neurology Department;
  • Headache,
  • Stroke (brain vessel obstruction, cerebral hemorrhage),
  • Epilepsy
  • Amnesia disorders (Alzheimer disease etc.),
  • Neuropathies (due to diabetes, genetic, toxic, neuropathies due to several diseases or use of medications etc.),
  • Muscular diseases,
  • Movement disorders (Parkinson disease, dystonia etc.),
  • Conditions with intracranial pressure increase (hydrocephaly, brain tumor, pseudo tumor cerebri etc.),
  • Spinal cord diseases,
  • Motor neuron diseases (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis),
  • Myastenia gravis,
  • Multiple sclerosis,
  • Sleeping disorders (sleep-apnea syndrome, REM behavior disorder, restless legs syndrome etc.),
  • Vertigo,
  • Neurologic complications due to systemic disorders and medications used for several reasons are evaluated and treated.


Electro physiologic tests are use besides examination for the diagnosis of many neurologic diseases. These tests are; Electroencephalography (EEG), electro myography (EMG), Evoked potentials (EP) and polysomnography (sleep and sleep related respiration, movement recording). These tests are not only a group of laboratory tests but extension of the neurology consultation as well.

Recording of the brain waves through the electrodes placed on scalp. Mainly used in epilepsy suspicion and monitoring epilepsy disease. However, it is recommended in many situations that cause functional loss in brain cells and deter brain waves (amnestic disorders, encephalitis, various systemic diseases and unconsciousness due to medications etc.).

Used for the evaluation of the functions of central nervous system (brain, spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system. With EMG; the place, type, duration of the problem in the mentioned areas are tried to learn. Again, EMG is a test that he image of the problem cannot be evaluated.

They are three groups as; visual (VEP), Auditoria (BAEP) and somatosensorial (SEP). Functions of the visual tracts from eye to posterior brain region are evaluated by VEP. It is most commonly used to evaluate ophthalmic nerve and visual tracts in multiple sclerosis in clinical practice. However, it is also used for assisting diagnosis in blurred vision and many disorders with course of blurred vision.

SEP, by stimulating a nerve (in arm or leg), potentials that are formed during the progress of this stimulation through spinal cord up to related center in the brain (brain somatosensorial cortex) are recorded. It gives information if there is any injury at any point along this path. In clinical practice, most commonly used to detect undefined spinal cord involvements in multiple sclerosis disease. However, it is also used in many disorders with spinal cord-brain involvement. This test is recently used in spinal cord surgery peri-operatively to control whether the function of the region regained or not after the injured region repaired and in order to prevent the spinal cord injuries due to operation peri-operatively.

It is a test that; Sleep, respiration, movements of the arms and legs during all night is recorded. This test is most commonly used for detection of sleep-apnea syndrome, sleep related movement disorders and disorders originated from sleep.

Neuro-psychological tests, is used for to reveal whether there is a true memorial or other disturbances in mental function or weakness of the individual’s complaints, in other words; for to distinguish whether the event is due to disturbance of the brain function or due to emotional distress.

These tests also provide clues in case of detection mental functional disorders; which kind of a disease it is by exploring its type (diagnosis of the disease) and prognosis of the disease (how it will be resulted).

Necessary rehabilitation techniques are applied in our unit;

  • Commonly for the correction of speech disorders (Aphasia) following strokes or head traumas,
  • For the correction of attention and memorial disorders cognitive impairments that develop following head trauma,
  • Correction of the mental disorders emerge after neurologic mental disorders that cause mental functional disorders (Multiple sclerosis, encephalitis etc.).