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პროფესორი Tamer ATASEVER

ბირთვული მედიცინა

ბაჰჩელიევლერი ნისას კერძო საავადმყოფო / ბაჯილარი მედიპოლის მეგას უნივერსიტეტის საავადმყოფო
უცხო ენები


გააგზავნეთ ელექტრონული ფოსტა
2010 - 2011Gazi Üniversitesi
2006 - 2012Ankara Düzen Laboratuvarı
2003 - 2003Gazi Üniversitesi
1996 - 1996Gazi Üniversitesi
1992 - 1993Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
1992Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Nükleer Tıp
1984Erciyes Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
1) Sari S, Oguz D, Sucak T, Dalgic B, Atasever T. Hepatopulmonary syndrome in children with cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: a single-center experience. Digestive Dis. Sciences 2012; 57(1):175-181
2) Akkas BE, Gokcora N, Atasever T, Yetkin I. The use of Tc99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime lung scinitgraphy in the detection of subclinical lung injury in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Nucl Med Commun. 2011; 32(12):1179-1184
3) Akin M, Atasever T, Kurukahvecioglu O, Dogan M, Gokaslan D, Poyraz A, Koksal H, Taneri F. Preoperative detection of parathyroid adenomas with Tc-99m MIBI and Tc-99m pertechnetate scintigraphy: histopathological and biochemical correlation with Tc-99m MIBI uptake. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2009;110(3):166-169
4) Altinova AE, Törüner F, Çimen AR, Karakoc A, Atasever T, Yetkin I, Ayvaz G, Cakir N, Arslan M. The association of neurofibromatosis, bilateralpheochromocytoma and primary hyperparathyroidism. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2007;115(7):468-470.
5) Kaya Z, Gursel T, Bakkaloglu SA, Kocak U, Atasever T, Oktar SO.Evaluation of renal function in Turkish children receiving BFM-95 therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2007 ; 24(4):257-267
6) Kökturk N, Türktas H, Özturk MA, Aksoy H, Atasever T. The role of positron emission tomography for the diagnosis and follow up of a patient with sarcoidosis and Takayasu arteritis. South Med. Journal 2007;100(3):331
7) Şimsek A, Cila E, Sener E, Senkoylu A, Sipahioglu S, Akdemir O, Atasever T. Fate of bulk autografts in uncemented total hip arthroplasty. Evaluation by bone scintigraphy. Saudi Medical Journal 2006; 27(12):1835-1836
8) Kostakoglu L, Goldsmith SJ, Leonard JP, Christos P, Furman RR, Atasever T, Chandramouly A, Verma S, Kothari P, Coleman M. FDG-PET after 1 cycle of therapy predicts outcome in diffuse large cell lymphoma and classic Hodgkin disease. Cancer 2006 ;1:107(11):2678-2687
9) Türkölmez S, Atasever T, Akmansu M. Effects of radiation therapy on oesophageal transit in patients with inner quadrant breast tumour. Nucl Med Communications 2005;26(8):721-726
10) Konuk O, Atasever T, Unal M, Ayvaz G, Yetkin I, Çakır N, Arslan M, Hasanreisoğlu B.
Orbital Gallium-67 Scintigraphy in Graves' Ophthalmopathy: A Disease Activity Parameter that Predicts the Therapeutic Response to Immunosuppressive Treatment.
Thyroid 2005; 15(4):358-363
11) Akmansu H, Oğuz H, Atasever T, Abamor E, Şafak MA, Haberal I, Atasever T, Samim E.Evaluation of sentinel nodes in the assessment of cervical metastases from head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Tumori 2004; 90(6):596-599
12) Güz G, Bali M, Poyraz NY, Bagdatoglu O, Yegin ZA, Dogan I, Atasever T, Sert S, Sindel S. Gastric emptying in patients on renal replacement therapy.
Renal Failure 2004; 26(6):619-24
13) Akdemir ÜO, Atasever T, Sipahioğlu S, Türkölmez S, Kazimoğlu C, Şener E.Value of bone scintigraphy in patients with carpal trauma Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 2004; 18(6):495-499.
14) Atasever T, Özkaya O, Abamor E, Söylemezoğlu O, Buyan N, Ünlü M. 99mTc ethylene dicysteine scintigraphy for diagnosing cortical defects in acute pyelonephritis: a comparative study with 99mTc dimercaptosuccinic acid.
Nuclear Medicine Communications 2004; 25(9):967-970.
15) Türkölmez Ş, Atasever T, Türkölmez K, Gögüs O. Comparison of three different diuretic renal scintigraphy protocols in patients with dilated upper urinary tracts.
Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2004; 29(3):154-160.
16) Arat M, Gokalp H, Atasever T, Türkkahraman. H. 99mTechnetium-labeled methylene diphosphonate uptake in maxillary bone during and after rapid maxillary expansion.
Angle Orthodontics 2003; 73(5):545-549
17) Konuk O., Atasever T., Ünal M., Ayvaz G., Yetkin I., Çakır N., Arslan M. Orbital gallium-67 scintigraphy in graves' ophthalmopathy. Thyroid. 2002; 12(7):603-608
18) Önder M., Özden MG., Aksakal AB., Akçali D., Babacan A., and Atasever T. Raynaud phenomenon and Behcet disease: diagnosis with technetium Tc 99m methylene diphosphonate bone scan and treatment with continuous sympathetic block.
Archives of Dermatology 2002; 238(5):698-699
19) Günel N., Çoşkun U., Yamaç D., Abamor E. Demirtaş S., Atasever T., Karaca L. Evaluation of serum cystatin C levels and Tc-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine –3 renal scintigraphy for the early detection of cisplatin induced renal toxicity in cancer patients. Nephrology 2002 ; 7: 56-60
20) Dinç M, Tchugunova Y, Dinç S., Çinarli B., Atasever T., Oz M. Decreased osteocalcin levels in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using long-term inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate. Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 2001;